报告题目:Magnetic Feshbach Resonances in Ultracold Collisions between Alkali-metal and Closed-shell atoms
报 告 人:Baochun Yang (杨宝春)
报告地点:物理学与信息技术学院 六层学术报告厅(致知楼3624)
Magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances provide a valuable tool for tuning the scattering length by varying an external magnetic field, and have found a wide range of applications in studying and controlling ultracold gases of atoms and molecules. In this talk, we give a report on the recent progress in the exploration of ultracold mixtures of alkali-metal and closed-shell atoms. The general physics is demonstrated by taking the Cs+Yb system as a specific example. It is shown that the magnetic Feshbach resonance can be caused by different coupling mechanisms. An intuitive picture is introduced for a qualitative understanding on the various properties of different resonances, including their resonance positions and widths. Some important implications and possible challenges are also pointed out for future studies from both the experimental and theoretical viewpoints.